Monday, 16 August 2010

The reason of the haiku:

permutations of words, permutation of minds

Truisms are mute; when you state the obvious you're basically mute. On the contrary when you say something meaningful you're driven to new semiotic paths. Haiku can have sense only because they accurately just says what is not yet written in the environment. They are moderatly silent, like the whisper of a gentle breeze and they teach you the language. Haiku points at meanings in the environment and shows the path to them. It's short, because it's common. Haiku don't aim to re-found conceptual grammar: they set up what is already known. Just in a more meaningful way. It's obvious what underlies beneath an haiku, but it's not obvious what an haiku states: you can learn how things are connected to words. It's like the most common thing: you know what meanings are, but only trivial meanings are available: they are frequented semiotic paths.

It's a bit more difficult to reach more complex meanings: you can see them, you can walk nearby, but the path is unsecure. Try. Most of the times the people will simply don't understand you. You're connecting things and words in proportions that are visible only to you. At this point: are you really sure you know what you wanted to say?

Complex meanings are not just funny inventions. They are written in the environment, with the words of their times. Reach them, through a semiotic path; but you need to go there. It's not enough to assemble words: this is verbalism. And to go where complex meanings are, you need to start a semiotic enterprise, you need to became an interpret of signs. This is slightlydanger, because not interpretation will leave untouched the interpreter. Only truism are safe: without a clear idea, silence is preferable.

If you still want to say something, beware that the things you say will change you. It's normal: if you're manipulating the writing of the environment, things will start to interact with you and will react to your saying.
Common thoughts are the structures of language; changing them, is changing the environment, because the environment is the writing of intepretation. The wisest thing to do is just saying what is not yet written in the environment. A gentle breeze of things.

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