Tuesday 21 July 2009

The birth of digital narrativity: a call for technology

You are the story you're telling, humans are the tales they are telling each others. We tell stories, we always did. We started this way, when a bunch of ape-minded Homo sapiens sapiens found a way to tell stories, when they were prompted to tell stories by some features of their environment, effectively accelerating their ape-brains in to what we call modern humans: us.
We are biologically (almost) identical to our eldest ancestors. They behaved like apes, because they were apes (we are too), but at
a certain point these primates started to tell stories. Nothing changed in their bodies or brains, simply they found the way to tell themselves, they found a way to achieve the very first human technology. The differences we see in different ages concern the contingent media used to express that technology.
Ancient Greeks used oral storytelling;the media were
dialogues viva voce and who wasn't able to speak properly, who babbled, was a barbarian, a babbler. Greeks did know very well the writing technology; they left impressive works. But written stories weren't telling who they were (Socrates didn't write at all, Plato imitated the oral form and so on).
In other ages, other ways to tell stories came out:Christians developed the personhood, writing became more common to express the tortuous minds of modern humans and only very talented persons were able to left their storytelling, like Shakespeare, Kafka or Dostoevskj . Of course others told stories, they left myths and legends, maybe as pirates or lovers, but they didn't use the writing technology.

Recently we've been bombed by a massive distribution of content, constantly fed with news, fact, stories. We almost succumbed, overloaded by an unilateral invasion. Then, the reaction. The storytelling stream needed a new expression and the narrative flow searched a way to cure the unilateral overload of information. The “Zeitgeist” was scanning inventions to find solutions. That's the birth of social media, the reaction to the limitation of storytelling.

You, me and millions started to tell our stories
, digitally. We connect, we share, we tell. Digitally. Very quickly a new environment has been built but to the extent these environments are the product of their creators,they also will start to host their creators. They change the creators, because every environment designs the creatures it hosts. Creatures come out from the environment and they connect themselves to the environment. Now the digital environment is ready to design its creatures. The story that is beginning now is a chapter of the story of the accelerated brains in a new designing environment.

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