Our minds are scanning the environment for our brains. This is the biological stance for our consciousness. Fair enough. The clear service a consciousness is doing for a body is made available as a complex information reprogramming and manipulation by a cognitive architecture. In other words, our bodies are benefiting from the extraordinary capacity of our minds to provide them resources. This is what our minds are made for.
But when our brains start to scan environments, they start to tag and to label things. They aggregate information and store in memory tool: a feather, a pine, a bone. A curious brain and memory tool start to interact. Bodies are satisfied by the resources provided so, minds are free to wander. And the landscape where minds wander are set up by minds, that is to say, minds wander where minds opened a space. Mindwandering can be struck by a memory tool. Let me say a couple of words about this kind of collision. A memory tool is not a storage of information: it can be of course, don't take me wrong. But this is not the way minds wander and understand. Precisely: understanding. A mind doesn't understand because is designed to do so. No evolution has selected an understanding brain. Understanding minds came for free with a complex cognitive architecture.
When a cognitive architecture has been struck by a memory tool, it generates a memory: a brand new memory, not retrieving a previous information, but creating a virgin, never happened before memory. A mind is struck by a previous encounter, which is never happened before. Here's how it goes.
A child sees the fang of a tiger in the chain of an old hunter: his curious brain starts to visualize the courage of a young man. The old hunter fades in to the projection of the wannabe kid hunter. A young man sees the old man when he was younger and sees himself when he will be older.
In shorts: the kid has been inspired, a narrative is borne. It's absolutely pointless what really happened, no matter if the old hunter is a coward who predated a dead carcass or he killed alone a giant beast. What we get now is this:a kid brain has been started, he's got motivation, he found what is bravery: he found the meaning of courage because he founded the meaning. The old hunter could have stabbed in the back the brave hero hunter, and yet, this imposture still would be the inspiration for the meaning of courage.
From bundle of narratives embodied in our brains, we put together the narration we are. Narratives open a space for an author to be. And when an author is consciously telling stories, a mind is working. A mind is the fictional memory of an author telling the story of a mind working. Fractal narrativity.
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